Miles to Go

Planning, reflecting, daydreaming, tattooing and exploring my way to a life full of wanderlust.
Today I got my second travel tattoo and I’m pretty stoked about it. I always told myself that if something truly leaves a mark on my soul, I’ll have it leave a mark on my body as well. And from a young age, I knew that thing was travel. That was never any question. But knowing what specific tattoo to get was a whole other issue. I wasn’t going to force it or rush it– I just figured when the time was right, something would hit me.
Then, shortly before my 27th birthday, I was mindlessly doodling and realized that you can spell “wanderlust” using the cardinal directions (WaNdErluSt). And BAM! I couldn’t get it out of my head. I had never seen something that better described the feeling that I had each and every day of my life. And so, I walked into a tattoo shop and got my first ink.
Now, fast forward 3 1/2 years to today. Today’s tattoo is extra special to me because it’s based on an achievement– something I’ve been saving for, planning for and thinking about for basically my whole life. It marks my crossing of both the Arctic and the Antarctic circles: 66° 33’ N and 66° 33’ S.
So what’s so special about those two circles? Well, outside of all of the fascinating scientific things that those circles signify, these are also the lines that signify the northernmost and southernmost parts of the planet. In short, by crossing it, I have made it to both ends of the Earth. And I was lucky enough to experience both in just one year’s time. Both circles were difficult to get to (although Antarctica for sure takes the cake on that one) and each offers something so special and unique to this world.
The Arctic
I crossed the Arctic Circle in Alaska in February 2016. Matt (my loving bf who loves to travel with me) and I hired an ex-ice road trucker to drive us 5 hours north on the Dalton Highway, aka the “Ice Road Trucking Route”, from Fairbanks to the Arctic Circle. We got there around 11PM and took turns outside taking in the bright Northern Lights and the incredible silence that only comes when you are so far from “civilization”.
The Antarctic
I crossed the Antarctic Circle this past February with Matt aboard the M/V Ushuaia in the Bellingshausen Sea, just west of Antarctica. It took us 6 days by ship from Ushuaia, Argentina to get there. And when I looked outside, I felt as though I had escaped this world and had found myself on a new planet. Icebergs were larger than sky scrapers, whales were abundant and mountains took up the entire continental landscape. I’ve never had my breath taken away in quite that same way.
Where I Go from Here
Two tattoos down, one for sure still to go when I hit my 7th continent, Africa.
More to come on that front 🙂